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Why you should travel to Rwanda for your African safari

Rhino in Akagera national park

Why you should travel to Rwanda for your African safari

Rwanda is a country in East Africa and Alps Trendy Safaris lists reasons why you should choose Rwanda as your next destination for an African Safari. There have been long-asked questions why you should travel to Rwanda, and why you should travel to Africa or East Africa. There are attraction that are only in Rwanda or East Africa and can be hardly found anywhere else in the world. Therefore these are reasons reasons why visit Rwanda and why travel to East Africa.

The authentic Rwanda cultural experience

For example the Iby’iwacu village denotes treasures of Rwanda as a home and heritage. Iby’iwacu Cultural Village is where you get a chance to meet local people, in their environment, with a full taste of Rwanda culture and traditions. The three cultures of Rwanda once clashed (1994 genocide), largely over socio-economic differences, but today they are Tutsi, Hutu, and Twa who are currently committed to the betterment of all Rwandan people.

Rwanda is a birding haven

Travelling to Rwanda is one of the incredible trips due the country’s colorful birds. Rwanda is home to an estimated 650 species of birds, a staggering number considering that the whole country measures only 26,338 square kilometers (10,169 square miles). What’s more, the diversity of habitats means that our guests can experience many different types of avian life, including the second highest number of Albertine Rift endemic species. This is unique of its kind in East Africa.

On a trip to Rwanda, some bird species to expect include; Rwenzori turacos, handsome francolins, mountain sooty boubous, Neumann’s and Grauer’s warblers, regal and blue-headed sunbirds, strange weavers, red-faced woodlands warblers, and numerous other species. Papyrus gonoleks and Grauer’s swamp warblers are found along the Nyabarongo River while following the trails through the forest near Uwinka is the best way to spot great blue turacos, white-bellied robin-chats, white-tailed crested flycatchers, and dusky and Shelley’s crimsonwings.

More species to look out to are Albertine owlets, Congo bay-owls, and Rwenzori nightjars. Birding in Akagera National Park is a home to more than 500 bird species including the famous and endangered shoebill stork.

Rwanda is a home to Mountain Gorillas and Chimpanzees

Mountain gorilla trekking in Rwanda is one of the most common activity and thanks to the incredible work of Dian Fossey and other global conservationists. Trekking of mountain gorillas in an activity that has captured the hearts and minds of people around the world and these primates are the closest relatives to humans. Every travelers with a dream of visiting chimpanzees and gorillas in their natural habitats must visit Rwanda. Mountain gorillas can be trekked in their natural habitat in Volcanoes Park while chimpanzees can be trekked in Nyungwe forest national park.

It should be noted by travelers that the Rwandan government restricts the number of visitors to trek the gorillas per day. Therefore to trek these primates, you must have a gorilla trekking permit which is secured in advance. Estimates indicate that approximately half of the mountain gorillas in the world live in the Virunga Mountains of which Volcanoes National Park is part of.  So your primate trek through the montane forests will be rewarded with an hour of watching the gorillas engage in natural behaviors.

Hiking and Trekking in Rwanda

The land of a thousand hills will definitely never ran out of mountain to climb or hills to conquer. Rwanda is the top destination for those that daydream about climbing, hiking and trekking in the African highlands and forests. Both Nyungwe Forest and Volcanoes Park offer superb networks of trails that take you into some of the most breathtaking landscapes on the planet. No matter your fitness or experience level, you will get an outdoor activity in Rwanda that can suit your needs.

The most challenging of the treks takes you to an elevation of 4507 meters, to the snow-capped summit of Mount Karisimbi in Volcanoes National Park, the highest peak of the eight major volcanoes in the Virunga field. The two-day trek will challenge you physically and mentally while immersing you in the beauty of four distinct vegetation zones. Another high-elevation hike awaits at Mount Bisoke, the most visited summit in the Virungas.

To our guests, Nyungwe National Park, in southwestern Rwanda, seems to be fashioned solely for the hiker or trekker in all of us! A network of trails crisscrosses and winds through the park, offering everything from leisurely one-hour nature walks to seven-hour and multi-day outings for experienced hikers.

Unforgettable wildlife adventure and game drive in Rwanda

As a traveler, visiting Rwanda gives you a chance to have a classic wildlife safari experience similar to those found in Uganda, Botswana, Kenya and Tanzania and other African countries. Akagera National Park founded in 1934 is the oldest of the Rwanda’s five national parks.

Like other places in Rwanda, Akagera National Park demonstrates the country’s commitment to developing sustainable economic avenues that add value to the country’s many treasures. A park that was once poorly managed, in disarray, and experiencing dwindling wildlife populations has been brought back to its former glory.

As a complete home to the big five, Lions were reintroduced in Akagera national park in 2015 and black rhinos in 2017.  There is effective anti-poaching campaigns in Rwanda that has help protect the large animals that are the centerpieces of iconic African safaris today. Hyenas and side-striped jackals join lions and leopards as the park’s most powerful predators. Large herbivores include giraffes, hippos, topis, zebras, waterbucks, elands, duikers, klipspringers, and many others! If you love primates, Akagera National Park is home to olive baboons, blue monkeys, and vervet monkeys, as well as nocturnal bush babies among others.

There are a thousand reasons in the land of a thousand hills to why you should visit Rwanda. You can contact our tour consultant and get to know the best options for you today at your budget at info@alpstrendysafaris.com


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